
How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy While Wearing Contact Lenses

Mar 08, 2023

Contact lenses are an excellent alternative to eyeglasses, providing improved vision correction and a wider field of view. However, with this convenience comes the added responsibility of maintaining proper eye health. This is especially important when wearing contact lenses, as the eyes are more prone to infection and irritation. In this article, we will discuss the tips and tricks to keep your eyes healthy while wearing contact lenses.


First and foremost, let's understand the basics of contact lenses. Contact lenses are thin, curved lenses that sit directly on the surface of the eye. They come in different types, including daily, weekly, and monthly disposable lenses, and can be worn for varying lengths of time. While contact lenses offer many benefits, they require extra care and attention to keep your eyes healthy.

Proper Hygiene

Keeping your contact lenses and your eyes clean is essential to maintain healthy eyes while wearing contacts. Before handling your contact lenses, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Avoid using lotion or oil-based soaps, as they can leave a residue on your hands and transfer to your lenses.

Contact Lens Care

Proper contact lens care is crucial in maintaining healthy eyes. Follow these tips to ensure your lenses are always clean and well-maintained:

  • Always store your contact lenses in a clean, dry case.
  • Use fresh cleaning solution every time you store your lenses.
  • Rinse your lenses with cleaning solution before inserting them into your eyes.
  • Avoid using tap water to clean your lenses, as it can contain harmful bacteria and chemicals.

Replace Your Lenses Regularly

It's essential to replace your contact lenses according to your optometrist's recommendations. Wearing old or expired lenses can increase the risk of infection, as the lenses become less effective at blocking harmful bacteria and other particles from entering your eyes. Additionally, older lenses are more likely to become damaged or warped, which can cause discomfort and affect your vision.

Follow Contact Lens Wearing Guidelines

Each type of contact lens has specific guidelines for wearing, cleaning, and storing. Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations for your lenses, and avoid deviating from the prescribed schedule. For example, some lenses are designed to be worn for a specific period each day, and wearing them longer can lead to irritation and other problems. If you are still unsure with the wearing guidelines, you can reach us at regarding the guidelines for your contact lense purchase!

Rest Your Eyes

Give your eyes a break from contact lenses at least once a week. This will give your eyes time to rest and recover from the strain of wearing contacts. During this time, wear your glasses instead.

Proper Nutrition

A healthy diet is vital for maintaining good eye health. Incorporate foods that are high in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, such as leafy greens, citrus fruits, and fatty fish.

Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams are essential for maintaining good eye health. Schedule an eye exam with your optometrist at least once a year. They can help detect any eye problems early and recommend appropriate treatment.

Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes

Rubbing your eyes can cause irritation and infection, which is especially dangerous when wearing contact lenses. The friction caused by rubbing your eyes can move the lenses around, increasing the risk of damage or misalignment. If you experience itching or irritation, try using a cool, damp cloth to gently pat your eyes instead.

Be Aware of Your Environment

Your environment can have a significant impact on your eye health, especially when wearing contact lenses. Exposure to smoke, pollen, dust, and other particles can cause irritation and increase the risk of infection. If you work in a dusty or smoky environment, wear protective eyewear or consider switching to daily disposable contact lenses to minimize the risk of infection.

Seek Medical Attention if Necessary

If you experience any discomfort, pain, or other symptoms while wearing contact lenses, seek medical attention immediately. Early detection and treatment can help prevent complications and maintain healthy eyes.

In summary, keeping your eyes healthy while wearing contact lenses requires a combination of proper hygiene, contact lens care, rest, nutrition, and regular eye exams. By following these tips and seeking medical attention when necessary, you can enjoy clear, comfortable vision and avoid complications.


  1. Is it safe to wear contact lenses while sleeping? No, it is not recommended to wear contact lenses while sleeping, as it can lead to eye infections and other complications.
  2. Can I wear contact lenses while swimming? No, it is not recommended to wear contact lenses while swimming, as it increases the risk of eye infections.
  3. How long can I wear my contact lenses? The length of time you can wear your contact lenses varies depending on the type of lenses you have. Follow your optometrist's recommendations.
  4. Can I wear my contact lenses while playing sports? Yes, you can wear contact lenses while playing sports, but it's essential to wear protective goggles or eyewear to prevent injury.
  5. Can I share my contact lenses with others? No, sharing contact lenses with others can lead to the transfer of bacteria and infections. Always use your own lenses and never share them with anyone else.