
Essential Tips and Tricks for Traveling with Contact Lenses

Jun 08, 2023

Travelling is an exciting adventure that opens up new horizons and experiences. For contact lens wearers, it's important to plan ahead and take some extra precautions to ensure a comfortable and hassle-free trip. Whether you're exploring a bustling city or relaxing on a beach, these tips and tricks will help you make the most of your travels while wearing contact lenses.

Pack an Ample Supply:

Always carry more contact lenses than you anticipate needing during your trip. Unforeseen delays or mishaps can happen, and having extra pairs will provide peace of mind. If possible, pack a travel-sized bottle of contact lens solution to ensure you have a clean and convenient option for cleaning your lenses on the go.

Carry a Contact Lens Travel Kit:

Invest in a small, portable contact lens travel kit. These kits typically include a lens case, a bottle for lens solution, and a pair of tweezers. Having a designated kit for your lenses will help you stay organized and prevent any mix-ups or contamination while you're on the move.

Keep Prescription Details Handy:

It's always a good idea to have a copy of your contact lens prescription or a digital version stored on your phone or email. In case of emergencies or if you need to replace your lenses while travelling, having this information readily available will make the process much easier.

Wear Daily Disposable Lenses:

Consider using daily disposable contact lenses while travelling. These lenses eliminate the need for cleaning solutions and reduce the risk of eye infections. Simply discard them at the end of the day, ensuring a fresh pair each morning. Daily disposables are especially convenient for shorter trips or adventures in challenging environments.

Protect Your Eyes from Dryness:

Airplane cabins, hotel rooms, and different climates can cause dryness in your eyes. Combat this by using rewetting drops specifically formulated for contact lens wearers. These drops provide instant relief by lubricating your eyes and reducing discomfort.

Avoid Sleeping in Your Lenses:

While it may be tempting to leave your lenses on when you're tired, it's crucial to remove them before sleeping. Sleeping in contact lenses increases the risk of eye infections, reduces oxygen supply to the cornea, and can lead to discomfort or dryness upon waking. Always remove and properly store your lenses before going to bed.

Protect Your Eyes from Water:

Avoid swimming or submerging your head in bodies of water while wearing contact lenses, especially in non-chlorinated water sources like lakes, rivers, or hot springs. Water can introduce harmful microorganisms, leading to eye infections. If you want to enjoy water activities, wear waterproof goggles to protect your lenses and eyes.

Be Mindful of Makeup:

If you wear makeup, remember to insert your contact lenses before applying it. This prevents any makeup residue from coming into contact with your lenses. Opt for oil-free, water-based makeup products to minimize the risk of irritation or lens contamination.

Have Backup Eyeglasses:

It's always wise to carry a pair of prescription eyeglasses as a backup option. In case of lens discomfort, allergies, or any other unforeseen circumstances, having a backup will allow you to continue exploring without discomfort or compromising your vision.


Travelling with contact lenses can be a breeze if you plan ahead and follow these essential tips and tricks. By packing extra lenses, carrying a travel kit, and protecting your eyes from dryness and water, you can enjoy your journey with clear vision and optimal comfort. Remember to prioritize your eye health, and if you experience any prolonged discomfort or irritation, consult an eye care professional immediately. Bon voyage!